You should be able to identify a 'primary' role within the multi role feature so that when you move to the Pay Options screen the data that auto populates is that of the primary role. Currently, the auto populated data is just the first role in th...
Caroline McCart
about 1 month ago
in Other Settings
Future consideration
It would be easier if working patterns for salaried staff were just simple boxes in the employee section rather than having to set all different working patterns in the software then applying to the individuals. Also it would be good to have a box...
11 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
Can we get a this report with an emloyee breakdown in PDF (not just the payroll analysis in CSV). Also can the BIKs be added to this report as a sepeate line.
Luke Hayes
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We process weekly & monthly employees for employers using departments. For reporting purposes it would be helpful to have a Gross to Net report featuring employees by department which includes all employees paid during the PAYE period.
Michele Meddins
3 months ago
in Reports
Will not implement
I would like to see the CIS suffered tax figures brought forward each month as it does in Iris Bureau Payroll to save keep adding up the total figures for each month for CIS suffered tax to claim on an EPS. It does ask to load values for this mont...
I had an issue where the 'Send Documents by Email' was unticked on an employees record. I only realised this when I went to finalise payslips and a message came up saying 4 employees would not receive their payslip via email. I changed the employe...
12 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
We need to extract client lists, contact details, employee numbers, portfolio allocation etc etc on a global level for all clients. Currently there is no global reporting functionality.
Emily Libby
9 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
There is a similar report available on employee level but it doesn't have all the required data plus it can't be run for the whole company. Ideally such report should be able to produce data for whle company with following fields. Employee Payroll...
Ibrahim Raja
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When a new starter needs to be paid but doesn't have the required historical data, it would be useful for the software to pay it at the hourly rate. Currently it pays at zero. As new starters are able to take holiday from day 1, this would seem li...
3 months ago
in Payrun
Future consideration