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Create ability to zero out all figures in a specific pay code

For example if the incorrect bonus figures have been entered it would be useful to be able to quickly make all figures within the bonus pay code 0 to then enter the correct figures. Rather than having to go through each payslip individually or res...
Guest 5 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Should be able to print payslip for a month with nil pay for the month

No description provided
Bhaskar Bhavsar about 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Total contributions on pension reports

So many pension providers only show a grand total for the pension upload. It would be really useful if the pension report and/or contribution screen in Staffology showed a total as well as the employee/employer split.
Simon L 9 months ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Pension Refund In a New Tax Year

Pension refunds relating to week 52 or the last week in the tax year cannot be refunded in the new tax year, can payroll be amended to allow cross year refunds?
Guest 11 months ago in Pensions 0 Started

Option to send payslips individually at the end of a payrun

Please can the option to individually send payslips added. For example: if an error is made on payroll and the payrun is reopened, amended and finalised all payslips need to be send again by email. If there was the option to send individually only...
ANNMARIE WATSON over 2 years ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Alabaster Legislation and Maternity Pay

Please could we have a way of incorporating Alabaster salary changes into SMP for it to auto recalculate within the the 39 weeks for the 6 weeks higher rate and for this to be shown separately on the payslips (to identify it as Alabaster) but stil...
Fiona Broad 7 months ago in Payrun 0 Planned

payroll monthly summary report needs to be printable at department level

Payroll monthly summary report needs to be printable at department level as well as total employees, I will need to spend hours sorting employees to create this manually. It was available on iris payroll, can this be done as they were not helpful ...
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Autorun emails - cc (second email address)

I'd love to be able to cc another email address when using autorun emails.
Emily Libby 8 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Batch Payroll Data Input

IPP has a batch input function which is very useful for manually inputting hours worked without having to go in and out of each record. Could you please add something like this onto Staffology? Currently a simple task of adding hours to each ee is...
Emily Libby 8 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

We need to pay Holiday pay in days not hours

In the old EARNIE payroll system, the average holidays were based on average holiday hours per day x average earnings per day. When we ran the payroll EARNIE therefore calculated an daily rate for each holiday and all we needed to input was how ma...
Guest 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration