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Continuous start date

When this date is entered and saved for an employee it disappears again when you go back into the employee.
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Shipped

Able to disable NMW warning for part-time salaried employee

Employees who are paid a monthly part time salary (not an hourly rate) currently generate a warning that they fall below NMW. The employe is not necessarily on an hourly rate as such, because the monthly salary is fixed. Please give us a way to di...
Guest over 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Net to Gross Calculations

I have been informed by support that Staffology does not have an option to input Net to Gross payments on the payroll. This is an important part of the payroll for us and would like this added to the programe.
Guest over 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Staffology Import Format

The current importing structure requires a form of converter similar to STAR payroll to get information into an importable format. Can the importing function be updated to include an importing format that picks up information row by row similar to...
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Payrun 0 Shipped

NI Category - update in payrun

I can see a report has been added so we can flag who is on the wrong NI code. The trouble is: a) We cannot update the NI code from this page and b) Even when you go in to the employees profiles to change the NI code, if the pay run is open, this d...
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Add notes to Umbrella payslips

This could be useful to add notes to the payslip for the employee/contractors for further clarification
Guest over 2 years ago in Payslips 1 Shipped

Ability to bulk update Benefit information

When our medical and dental policies renew, we have to manually click into each employee and update the value of the benefit for renewal pricing. I would like a way to upload this information into Stafffology in bulk using an excel file.
Guest over 2 years ago in Employee Setup 1 Shipped

Paycode Audit

Would it be possible to add functionality to allow paycodes to be auditable? It would be good to see when they were set up, who by and any changes made to them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 3 Shipped

Update Totals Under Departments

It would be great if when flicking between departments on the payroll screen that you could see a summary of costs for each department and be able to export the data by department.
Sophia Williams over 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Employment Allowance should appear on journal before finalisation

Where the EA is being claimed and entries included on the payroll journal, system should not require the pay run to be finalised before showing the entries on the indicative journal.
Guest almost 3 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Shipped