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Showing 23

P11Ds - Remove Gender, D.O.B, and Address from P11D

As P11Ds are to just show employees and employers the benefit figure they receive during a tax year, I believe the Gender, Date of Birth and Address details are unnecessary. Given the platform produces what seems to be its own "simplified" version...
Guest 11 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Employee Notes Flag

would it be possible to amend the colour of the Employee Notes Tab, so when there is a note placed against an employee is it obvious when accessing the record from the payroll run or the Employee record direct.
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Tax code changing from effective date

The automated tax code service from HMRC is useful but it would be good if the notices could be applied effective from their date. For example, our tax codes for the new tax year came in on 21st Feb - it would be good to be able to apply them but ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Other 2 Started

Edge autofill changing all the company data - just like that!

Initially when I go into the company settings (to check all has imported, and if anything needs to be added/changed) Microsoft Edge, in front of my eyes just replaced company name and address with my own name and address. What a worry. I was looki...
Julia Duncan 11 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

View chat history on support (

Please could we be able to view the chat history once the chat has been closed? Often I ask a question on live chat, the answer can take a long time to come so I start doing something else, then I miss the response and the chat is closed so I have...
Emily Libby 6 months ago in Other 0 Acknowledged


Would be better if invoices were e-mailed directly to our accounts payable department. At present the Head of Finance is the owner on Staffology and the only one with access to billing - not a great system for the Head of Finance to have to log in...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Other 2 Future consideration

Email template to notify staff of new tax code

Currently we have to manually email this to staff
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 1 Future consideration

Migration To Bring Over Costings & Nominal Accounts From Earnie - ESSENTIAL

Staffology is unfortunately not fit for our purpose as confirmed in our initial migration and training. We have no choice other than to cancel our Staffology registration, at present, and to instead continue with Earnie, which we wish to renew in ...
Guest 11 months ago in Other 1 Acknowledged

Red Employee number in search bar and employee list

This will be much quicker rather than clicking into the profile to see if the employee has a leave date entered
Charlotte Sewell over 3 years ago in Other 0 Will not implement

Personal data for leavers

In EARNIE when an employee was P45'd their employee card containing their personal data was no longer available. However, in Staffology when an employee leaves their personal data is still on the system under the 'Employees > Leavers' section. ...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Other 1 Future consideration