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Showing 21

Warn the duplicate profiles on payrun

We found some of Employee profiles are accidentally created more than once. We recommend Staffology to prompt in the warning section whenever there is any duplicate profile considering some of the unique values like NI number, combination of first...
Suraj Parasa 9 months ago in Profile 2 Shipped

P11Ds for employees

Currently, when selecting the "All employee" option to download P11Ds, it includes all employees, whether they have P11Ds or not. For instance, if there are 500 employees on the payroll but only 50 have P11Ds, the download should ideally allow for...
Srilakshmi Patlolla 8 months ago in Other 0 Shipped

Telephone Support

At present we are having issues which are not able to be resolved before the payroll is due. There needs to be telephone support for urgent queries.
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Other 2 Shipped

Allow "Period Value" Benefits to be importable via CSV.

There has been an update to the payrolling benefits which allows us to enter a period value opposed to an annual value. However, we still cannot import the period value meaning we still have to calculate the annual value for each benefit to be abl...
Bobbi Gayford 5 months ago in Other Settings 1 Shipped

Bank Detail Validation Report

If we were able to run a bank detail validation report before the payments have been processed, We would be able to identify details that dont pass the validation check and these would then be corrected before the payments have been sent. This wou...
chloe guichard almost 2 years ago in Payments 8 Shipped

Allocated payrolls

As well as having payroll owners, we should be able to allocate payrolls to users. Have an 'admin' or 'manager' user permission who is able to allocate certain users certain payrolls. We have huge issues with payrolls for people that have left our...
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in Users 4 Shipped


What is the issue with scrolling down the page? I thought this had been resolved! Every time I input data for one employee, I have to refresh the page to re-enable to ability to scroll down. I have tried doing this on several companies on several ...
Karen Kemp about 1 year ago in Settings 1 Shipped

Do not apply tax codes when reopening a pay period

When having to reopen a pay period, new tax codes should not be applied to the payroll which has been closed.
Bobbi Gayford over 2 years ago in Automation 1 Shipped

2 Factor Authenticator

We require 2 Factor Authentication with all our software, currently this is not available, even though we were told it would be available when staffology was purchased, along with isams & ifinance software? Please advise when this will be live
Guest about 2 years ago in Other 5 Shipped

2Factor Authorisation

Do you have a method of setting up 2FA (Payroll Login)
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 6 Shipped