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Categories Users
Created by Charlotte Sewell
Created on Sep 23, 2022

Allocated payrolls

As well as having payroll owners, we should be able to allocate payrolls to users. Have an 'admin' or 'manager' user permission who is able to allocate certain users certain payrolls. We have huge issues with payrolls for people that have left our business in the past who are still the owners of payrolls and because they have been deactivated, we can not do certain things like remove peoples access.

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  • Carl Ford
    Jun 20, 2023

    This would be a great feature to add, allocating payrolls to users rather than emailing. I had a new payroll clerk start and had to email access to each client individually

  • sarah carter
    May 5, 2023

    There definitely needs to be more permission than i 3 they have. We have clients that have monthly and weekly payrolls and there is no way of giving them access to just the weekly

    2 replies

Being able to select multiple payrolls to add user/bureau

when migrating to Staffology it is time consuming to have to open each payroll up to then select the user to add and bureau settings, a multi select option would make this far quicker
John Sangster over 1 year ago in Users 0 Started

Adding New User to All Clients

Its daft having to send out 1000s of invitations to a new member of staff. There should be the ability to add to all or have a user hierarchy system.
Guest over 2 years ago in Users 0 Started

Set up bulk permissions for new members of staff.

We have several members of staff who need to see the same 'Employer' accounts. When a new member of staff joins our company we need to send individual invitations for multiple Employers to allow access to their payroll information; at this time th...
Lesley McIntosh almost 3 years ago in Employer Setup 0 Started