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Neonatal care Leave

One of my clients would like to process Neonatal leave for an employee but this is not available in the system
Guest 27 days ago in Employee Setup 0 Started

Sort by Current Pay Period

This was a feature that seems to have disappeared. It was extremely helpful where there are a number of clients which are automated and then others which are manual to sort by both columns made life a lot easier. Can you please put this feature ba...
Emma Farquhar about 1 month ago in Dashboard 0 New

BIK Pro-Rata

For Benefits in Staffology (BIKS) is there a way for these to automatically pro rate to the start date of the benefit (e.g backdated from a previous month) as currently we must enter the pro-rated amount then before opening the next period change ...
Stacey Hendry 28 days ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Please can the Gross to Net show gross salary and taxable pay, being the difference of the salary sacrifices, rather than putting SS in the end column, other deductions, our accounts team are struggling with this.

No description provided
Jo Thrupp 15 days ago in Reports 0 New

An activity log for clients.

An activity log would enable us to track whether clients have reviewed payroll and accessed the system, which would be particularly penitent on BACs days. Currently, the audit trail doesn't provide visibility into client activity. Additionally, it...
Guest 6 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Mail Logs_search field

Currently we don't have the option to enter the page no or payment date to search the Employee. If page no / payment date entry / search field is enabled it would be more feasible for search. Time spent to search an Employee details will be reduce...
praveena sheshubabu 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Refresh Calculations!!

Please could you add a "Refresh Calculations" button so we can quickly recalculate payroll without needing to restart or change anything? Right now, if you update something in an employee’s record, it doesn’t always pull through until you restart ...
Emily Libby 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Display employee age next to date of birth

No description provided
Amanda Phillips 11 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Payslip Notes to accept special symbols

When importing the payslip notes, the pound sign (£) and slanted quotes (“ ”) were not accepted and appeared as this symbol ('�') in the import.
Christopher Tuckett about 1 month ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Multiple period payslips downloadable as a pdf

We need to be able to download ONE pdf document for an employee with multiple payslips for a range of periods not download one at a time. Also we could do with adding more than one employee to this download.
Guest 7 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration