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Pay Code update causes a side-effect on payrun

We have noticed that when editing the pay code, if the Code itself is updated (not the Title), the line items in a pay run gets affected. When we try to edit the line item that is using the above changed pay code, it displays "Nothing Selected" an...
Richard Williams almost 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

National Insurance Number Request

When you create an NVR you get given a list of employees in a random order. This makes it impossible to 'tick' the employees from the list that you are requesting an NI number for. There is no employee number or sort option. At least if they were ...
Guest over 3 years ago in RTI & Notices 1 Future consideration

Payment Import File Size

Can the import file limit be increased from 999 lines? We recieve multiple queries about this and if the limit was higher would make payment imports easier for clients.
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 Already exists

Identifying Errors within P11D Submission EXB

Our client encountered errors when submitting P11Ds and P11D(b) to HMRC, which resulted in queries to support. Would it be possible for functionality to be added to the software which enables you to click on the error to find out what it is?
Guest over 3 years ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Monthly Summary Report by Employee

Is it possible to create a monthly report by employee summarising all the movements - GP, PAYE NI ER & EE, Pension ER & EE, Payrolling Benefits
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payrun 3 Already exists

templates for importing fixed data and monthly pay elements / hours /rates

templates for importing fixed data and monthly pay elements / hours /rates should be availabe online - under import - "template available"
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payrun 0 Will not implement

Percentage of basic paycode

Make the percentage of basic paycode work when it is not subject to Tax, NI, pension etc. Currently when you make this paycode not subject to tax or ni the calculation changes to percentage of net pay rather than basic.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Import in PBIK figures

It would be a huge time saver to be able to import in either the annual or monthly PBIK figures (atleast for health insurance).Manually adding these is laborious and if subject to fx flutuations, this is a monthly task.
Niki Joshi almost 2 years ago in Payments & Liability 1 Already exists

When pulling hours from rotacload it pulls the hours for each day the employee has worked. would be better if these were grouped up as a total hours in a month

No description provided
Glyn Biggs almost 2 years ago in API Direct 3 Future consideration

Subcontractor data import

Ability to import subcontractor data, similar to an employee import with all relevant fields available including payslip password.
Katrina Kilcoyne about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration