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Allow payslip viewing by department - you can only run the payslips for all employees

You can put employees into Departments but I do not think you can run payslips in these departments. You have to preview the whole company. Where client's have different departments and slightly different pay dates it would be easier to process an...
Guest over 3 years ago in Payslips 3 Shipped

Job Title Changes in Mass by Import

It would be very helpful to be able to update/change job titles in mass by csv import, as it seems that this can only be done manually, one worker at a time. Essentially it we be helpful to be able to update/change all employment details in mass b...
Guest over 1 year ago in Other 1 Shipped

Be able to import the Payslip fields in Employee Record

When new starters are sent to payroll using our API, they do not have the field ticked to have their payslips password protected automatically (we are working on implementing this in our API). In the interim, we therefore need to manually apply th...
Georgie Doble about 2 years ago in Employee Setup 1 Shipped

Wnen a worker has a leaving date, can it show on the pension upload and communicate to the pension scheme?

When you enter a leaving date, you have to manually logon the pension scheme to update. It would be useful if that was done via the API
Sarah Carter over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Shipped

Epayslips to automatically be released

Epayslips currently have to be pushed to go to the employees ePayslips accounts, if this could be automatic this would save time and this being missed.
Guest over 1 year ago in Payslips 2 Shipped

Recovered Amounts

Recovered amounts and NIC compensation to offset against PAYE through journals. At the moment this has to be done manually across multiple employers.
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Other 1 Shipped

Leavers - Pensions

When an employee is made a leaver, would it be possible for the leave date to update the pension tab which would then notify the provider the employee is leaving? At the moment the leave date is entered and then in the following pay period the emp...
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Shipped

Student Loans YTD Amounts on Payslips

Can the payslips show the YTD deduction amounts for Student loans as a separate line item to provide greater clarity for employees.
Guest over 1 year ago in Payslips 6 Shipped

Fixed Pay Elements - Reducing Balance

There is no abilility to have a fixed element with a reducing balance. This is required in order to support deductions such as Cyclescheme and Travel cards
Guest over 3 years ago in Payments & Liability 0 Shipped

Audit Functionality

We have been asked by various clients about how they can view an audit trail of the payroll changes, who has made the change and the date of the change. Could this functionality be added?
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped