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Storing multiple rates against an employee record without using them every period

Many clients have more than one rate relevant to an employee. If these rates are added into the employee profile as an addition they appear on every payslip as a zero value unless they are manually deleted which is a big job on a large payroll. Th...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

class 1A NIC at employee level

There is no way to see Class 1A NIC Amount at employee level as it is not recorded on employee YTD Screen, we require this at employee level so we can balance YTDs per employee
Stacey Hendry 13 days ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Mail Log deletes previous date if re-set

At the moment if we re-send an email from the mail log the new sending overwrites the original so is not a true log of what has actually been sent. It only shows the most recent and not all emails that have been sent
Pay Roll 14 days ago in Other 0 New

Pension Assessment for employees is not recording details for first few months under postponement

I've tried to raise this issue with Staffolofy Support, but appartently is another feature lacking in staffology. When staff are added to the payroll, Staffology is not always recording the initial postponment assessments for each payrun where emp...
Luke Hayes 20 days ago in Pensions 0 New

Add/remove users centrally and not on EACH payroll

As a payroll bureau I just want to add a user to look after all our clients or remove a user from all clients. I cannot do this in one central setting location. Instead I have to go through EVERY client and add or remove the user! This simple idea...
Simon Young 25 days ago in Settings 0 New

Actual age and employment service to automatically appear, as we currently have to export the detail and manually work this out.

No description provided
Guest 2 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Ability to turn off NMW warning for Directors

The NMW warning sits at employer level rather than employee level which is useful to apply consistent warnings throughout but means directors are flagged under the NMW warnings where NMW does not apply. Would be useful to be able exclude this warn...
Jennefer Willmore 5 months ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Number of AE letters sent

Current there is no way to find number of letters sent in a particular period. We need these number for our invoicing purpose as some our clients might have 100s of letter each pay period. Is it possible to add total number of letters sent in the ...
Ibrahim Raja 6 months ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Employer Archive

When looking at the employers list, there are three sub-headings; Your Employers, Other Employers & Archived. The separate archive heading feels superfluous because when you archive the employer they remain in both the main Your Employers list...
Jennefer Willmore about 2 months ago in Bureau 1 Future consideration

Loan balances in final pay

When a leave date in inputted for an employee the system should automatically clear down the balance in the final pay or give a prompt to clear down the balances for all outstanding loans ie. any employee loans or cycle to work schemes.
Kellann Douglas 21 days ago in Payments 0 New