This report would facilitate the calculation of the holidays due provision at the financial year end where that does not coincide with the holiday year.
12 months ago
in MIscellaneous
Future consideration
This detail reports shows all the detail by employee for all pay elements - but it doesn't have the taxable gross figure on? It had everything else, including NIable pay - why no gross taxable?
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Fix menu bar displacement when working on a small screen
I believe this is down to the logo - but when working on a small screen, the menu items get displaced and you cannot click on them. Just needs to be fixed.
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in MIscellaneous
It would be useful to have a detailed 'Payroll Component Analysis' report as in IRIS PP ( report was called PARUNT1.pdf) that showed detailed monthly pay/benefits/deductions for each employee in the payroll run, not just a summary as in Staffology.
It would be useful to have the old IRIS PP report in Staffology that showed by monthly payroll run the 'Combined Payroll Run benefits in kind' that clearly showed (for each employee) the breakdown of taxable pay. The report code from IRIS PP was P...
6 months ago
in Payrun
Future consideration