It would be useful to see all documents & communications sent to an employee in their card (with attachements) and the ability to resend, reupload to MEPW etc. If this could then be filtered by type - payslip, pension, P45 etc.
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
There is an hourly pay report, under Pay Runs, which shows the hours worked by each employee sorted by pay code We need an hourly pay report per employee sorted by pay code
Pay Roll
8 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When adding nominal codes there are some pay codes what we require to show on different nominal codes within our accounting software which I have been advised is not currently able to be done.
Currently staffology can only process one gross up pay code per employee - we require multiple gross ups for same employees across multiple pay codes in same pay period. To be added to road map asap
Stacey Hendry
8 months ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
I have raised this concern previously, we run am umbrella payroll however currently the only option within Staffology, is to use national minimum wage as the basic rate of pay. My client wishes the basic rate to be linked to London Living Wage. As...
Karen Durden
4 months ago
in Umbrella
Future consideration
We currently use the umbrella settings within Staffology payroll however it would be great if we had more flexibility over the wording within the payslips. For example my client would like to change the wording in the heading 'Umbrella Costs'. As ...
Karen Durden
4 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
Required Payments reports should present negative payments in a separate section
The Required Payments report should include negative net 'Take Home' under a separate section. Otherwise, the total balance of employee payments is not correct and does not agree to the actual total of bank payment to make to employees. The curren...
Nuria Ortega
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The ability to determine the order of a pay code and in which section of the payslip it should appear. E.G. Earnings at top of payslip, Benefit value for tax - middle of payslip, deductions in bottom 1/3rd of payslip.
Matthew Gillett
about 1 year ago
in Payslips
Future consideration