It would be useful if within "Reports" -> "Employees" users could download a report that shows cost centres assigned to each employee and the weighting applied to each. Due to the nature of our business - we are required to review and update co...
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The ability to determine the order of a pay code and in which section of the payslip it should appear. E.G. Earnings at top of payslip, Benefit value for tax - middle of payslip, deductions in bottom 1/3rd of payslip.
Matthew Gillett
12 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
Hi! In IRIS PAYE Master there was possibility to add 1 or 2 tax week if someone was on 1/2 weeks holiday and getting payment in advance ahead of it so the following week/s this employee was excluded from payroll. In Staffology I can't see a box wi...
12 months ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
Can we have the Expatriate (Jersey s690 rule) functionality uplifted from Professional to Staffology.
We have an employee who is on the UK payroll but spends the majority of their time living and working in Jersey. We therefore adopt the tax rules of s690, where their taxable pay is 5% of their actual taxable pay.