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Search Employees Field (Two Character Names/Two Character Payroll Codes)

The search employee field does not function with only two characters. This means that we cannot use this function for any two character names (Wu, To, Yi etc) or any employee payroll codes less than 100.
Jennefer Willmore 5 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Merging Weekly & Monthly Gross to Net Summaries

We process weekly & monthly employees for employers using departments. For reporting purposes it would be helpful to have a Gross to Net report featuring employees by department which includes all employees paid during the PAYE period.
Michele Meddins 3 months ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

P45 email to employer as well as employee

At present, you can only send a password-protected PDF of the form P45 to the employee and not to the employer, who should have a copy for their records. Under GDPR we should not be sending this as a non-password-protected document. Please could y...
Sarah-Jane Hayward 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Make cost split between departments work on journal imports

It is not currently possible to automate the journal posting process to software whilst also splitting pay codes by department. It would be helpful if this was possible so the journal posting process could be fully automated for larger clients onc...
Chris Holland-Skinner 5 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Employee alarm

(same as in IPP)
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Salary Effective Date held in Regular Pay Screen

The current process for date effective of adding a BASIC pay code to the Additions/ Deductions screen, results in Hourly and Daily rates not being held on the Pay Screen. To be truly date effective, the date needs to be held with the annual salary...
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Started

Payslips Templates

We have few clients who likes to show certain additional things on payslips such as tax office info, bank details, NI able pay, pension %. whereas some client does not want show employee address on the payslip. does staffology have facility to acc...
Guest about 1 year ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

In CIS Payrun List the primary contact name and company name

It would be helpful for both the individual name we have to add to be shown in the pay run, as well as the company or trading as name, as this is usually the information provided by clients for sub contractors. It is rare to be provided an individ...
Sarah Crace 7 months ago in CIS 1 Future consideration


Why on a bureau setting do we still have to put in the username and password for every employer, when surely it would be easier to leave as a default from the bureau (as Earie does currently)
Guest 7 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Average Holiday Pay for new starters

When a new starter needs to be paid but doesn't have the required historical data, it would be useful for the software to pay it at the hourly rate. Currently it pays at zero. As new starters are able to take holiday from day 1, this would seem li...
Guest 3 months ago in Payrun 2 Future consideration