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Pension YTD Update / Import

Ability to delete a pension record in bulk for all employees would be helpful while reimporting pension data so that it won't lead to any duplication of pension records Also ability to import pension YTDs after payroll has been open - You can only...
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Pensions 1 Planned

AutoPilot Option in Working Days

The Auto Pilot Pay run Automation is a great setting for no change payrolls that we operate within the bureau however the scheduling options are in days rather than working days which is really unusual and means that every month we would need to a...
Jennefer Willmore 6 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

P45 report - all P45s for any particular period in one PDF report

So employers can keep these for their records without the need to download them individually
Georgina Richards almost 2 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Attachment TD Report

There is a similar report available on employee level but it doesn't have all the required data plus it can't be run for the whole company. Ideally such report should be able to produce data for whle company with following fields. Employee Payroll...
Ibrahim Raja 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

pro rata calculations

We have noticed when processing new starts / leavers if they start on 1st of month (being a weekend) and due to be paid the full month, Staffology does not pay a full month. The same if a leaver 31st December, Staffology is paying more than full m...
Stacey Hendry 3 months ago in Payrun 1 New

CIS suffered tax

I would like to see the CIS suffered tax figures brought forward each month as it does in Iris Bureau Payroll to save keep adding up the total figures for each month for CIS suffered tax to claim on an EPS. It does ask to load values for this mont...
Guest 8 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration

Ability to put the same message on payslip by department rather than individually

Hi, Can we have the ability to put a message on a payslip by Department or group of employees rather than have to do them individually each month. This would save so much time! Thank you.
Pamela Finbow 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Detailed monthly report on PBIKs

We payroll cars and medical insurance and need to accrue the cost of class 1a NICs due on these each month in out accounts. We want to allocate the NIC on cars to one nominal ledger code and the NIC owed on medical insurance to another code. But t...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to choose the payment date for a payment file

The payment files produced will automatically populate with the payment date listed in the schedule but there are times when this needs amending (such as Christmas) when payroll is processed early. The only option currently is to manually amend th...
Jennefer Willmore 5 months ago in Payments & Liability 2 Acknowledged

Update address on previous payslips

At the moment, when we update an address for an employee and produce a previous period's payslip it still shows the old address. Even if we re-open the period after the address has been updated, finalise again and produce the payslip again it stil...
Cameron Malcolm 5 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration