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Pay Run warning for employees with 0 pay for more than 90 days

It would be useful for us to have a pay run warning for any employee's on the pay run which have had 0 pay for more than 90 days.
Bobbi Gayford about 1 month ago in Payrun 2 New

YTD report for the whole tax year

The Year To Date Balances report is only per period. This would be beneficial if this report was per tax year as-well as periods. We have to combine all fortnightly/weekly reports and total up employee's pay to get there year to date figures for a...
chloe guichard about 2 months ago in Reports 1 New

Department Name in Payroll Analysis Report

Currently there is a department column which is populated with department code. However there is a need for an additional column for Department Name which will help in easy recognition and mapping as names are usually used in financial reporting.
Ibrahim Raja about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Started

take home pay needed on a report

it would be helpful if i could get a report per dept swing all details from gross to take home pay
Guest 6 days ago in  0 New

Pension export to contain annual salary details as required by pension provider

The pension export for one of our pension providers is not recording the salary information correctly. Pension contributions are correctly being calculated on salary (inc multiple role) plus allowances. However, the annual salary figure shown on t...
Caroline McCart 6 days ago in Pensions 0 New

Open Employee record from payroll entering

When you are in the payroll tab and have entered info and updated, it would be useful to have a link to take you back to the employee card.
Guest 7 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Monthly Pension Payment Report Totals

We run a weekly payroll and therfore have weekly pension deductions. Payment to the pension provider has to be submitted on a monthly basis. It would be great to have a monthly report that shows the total monthly deductions for each employee so we...
Guest 15 days ago in Pensions 0 New

Holiday Allowance in Hours

Whilst there are three accrual options in the holiday section, there is only one allowance option (days). It would be useful to have an allowance option in hours as not all holiday allowances operate in days.
Jennefer Willmore about 2 months ago in Employee Setup 0 New

Contracted hours changes should work before effective date of change

I have a payroll set up like a school, where pay spines are used. Salary can only be amended in the employee's record, not on the payslip, however contracted hours can't be changed until the day of or after the effective from date. This won't work...
Guest 17 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Offline (temporary?) payroll for what if calcalations

There are many instances when we would like to use the software to do future what if calcuations, for example when we need to indicate to directors what effect bonuses will gave on PAYE due. This would also be useful for exploring settings without...
Emily Libby 17 days ago in Bureau 1 New