The current payslip default template has a payment date at the bottom of page for example "Payment on 31/12/2024: £xxx.xx. This needs to be removed as the actual payment date does not necessary match this date and is causing issues with employees ...
2 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
The following fields are displayed in the header row on the employee export but are always empty despite data being held in the system that is relevant. Would be very useful if these populated: Ni Earnings to LEL NI LEL to PT NI PT to UEL
Jennefer Willmore
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I want to be able to slice the dashboard view and apply multi filters on processor, date due, approval date, finalised date, pay date, bacs & status to be able to better manage what is outstanding within the Bureau for specific pay dates etc. ...
shaun Dellar
about 2 months ago
in Dashboard
Future consideration
To be able to enter a postponement date for employees. When migrating from other software you can't enter postponement dates and therefore to work around you have to change the company settings which isn't ideal as you then have to change it back....
Pension refunds relating to week 52 or the last week in the tax year cannot be refunded in the new tax year, can payroll be amended to allow cross year refunds?
So many pension providers only show a grand total for the pension upload. It would be really useful if the pension report and/or contribution screen in Staffology showed a total as well as the employee/employer split.
Simon L
9 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
Why is the format so different to the standard payslips. We have clients who want to be able to access, print and post out for some employees, but the address is not in the right place.
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in Payslips
Create ability to zero out all figures in a specific pay code
For example if the incorrect bonus figures have been entered it would be useful to be able to quickly make all figures within the bonus pay code 0 to then enter the correct figures. Rather than having to go through each payslip individually or res...
5 months ago
in MIscellaneous
Future consideration