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Title Journals with pay period when importing to QuickBooks

When importing to QuickBooks we have found that it automatically generates the journal title based off a previously entered journal in QuickBooks, this means frequently it is hard to find the payroll journals as they have names that are irrelevant...
Guest 6 days ago in Connected Services 0 New

Can your NMW warnings and the hourly rate field show rates before and after salary sacrifice. This would help greatly when determining if the NMW is still accurate.

No description provided
Jo Thrupp 18 days ago in Other 0 New

Mail Log deletes previous date if re-set

At the moment if we re-send an email from the mail log the new sending overwrites the original so is not a true log of what has actually been sent. It only shows the most recent and not all emails that have been sent
Pay Roll 11 days ago in Other 0 New

Loan balances in final pay

When a leave date in inputted for an employee the system should automatically clear down the balance in the final pay or give a prompt to clear down the balances for all outstanding loans ie. any employee loans or cycle to work schemes.
Kellann Douglas 19 days ago in Payments 0 New

Add/remove users centrally and not on EACH payroll

As a payroll bureau I just want to add a user to look after all our clients or remove a user from all clients. I cannot do this in one central setting location. Instead I have to go through EVERY client and add or remove the user! This simple idea...
Simon Young 23 days ago in Settings 0 New

use the same paycode for multiple payments

It would be helpful if we could use the same pay code for different payments in HR pro. We use a fixed pay scale which are all basic salaries but currently you can only use 1 pay code to 1 payment. All 12 payments are salaries and we are now havin...
Guest 20 days ago in Payments 0 New

Automated EPS issues

When automated, the EPS doesn't show on the automated settings within the finalisation window. It would be helpful when checking at finalisation if this was updated, it would appear this relatively new feature was added in a hurry!
Andrea Squires about 1 month ago in Automation 0 New

Restrict user access to a payroll at one given time

At present, multiple users can access a clients payroll - changes may occur without the payroll provider knowing and therefore payroll reports could be incorrect/wrong Should only allow 1 user to access at a time to prevent errors
Pooja Patel about 1 month ago in Users 0 New

Pay History for AVRG Holiday

Please exclude holiday pay from the calculation of the average holiday rate calculation. The included holiday pay is increasing the holiday pay rate when it should not. Only the paid hours/bonuses should accrue holiday and influence the average ho...
Guest 2 months ago in Payments 0 New