Currently when an employee is off, the basic pay line on the payslip is reduced to take into account the absence. Would it be possible to have the option for the basic pay line to remain at the normal salary and a second line absence deduction? Th...
about 2 years ago
in Payments
Future consideration
Umbrella Settings - Ability to set the basic rate of pay to something other than NWM
It would be really helpful if we can set the basic rate of pay within the umbrella settings to something other than national minimum wage. We would like to use the London Living Wage but this is not currently an option.
6 months ago
in Umbrella
Future consideration
We are currently trying to streamline our clients by using as much of the automation and available API that the system can offer and are finding the process very jarring. A validation or test process would make this a lot better as each time we at...
Jennefer Willmore
6 months ago
in Connected Services
Future consideration
We have the facility to apply a pay increase to all staff. Please can we have the facility to select which staff a pay increase should be allocated to?
Karen Murray
over 1 year ago
in Payments
Future consideration
Please can the auto emails be reviewed when payroll reports are sent directly to clients. If a payroll needs to be re-run and finalized the original reports are sent again to the client. This can cause major issues if the original reports are used...
George Haynes
over 3 years ago
in Automation
Future consideration
When viewing the e-mail log, we can open the email, but the attachments are not visible. We need to see what the employee has received easily so a viewable attachment to the log would be a good idea.
Pamela Finbow
8 months ago
in Settings
Future consideration
Would be better if invoices were e-mailed directly to our accounts payable department. At present the Head of Finance is the owner on Staffology and the only one with access to billing - not a great system for the Head of Finance to have to log in...
Claire O'Connor
over 1 year ago
in Other
Future consideration