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Ideas Portal


Showing 21

Export Pay Codes including 'Subject to' sections

At present we cannot export pay codes. We can copy and paste the values on the screen into a workbook but it does not pull across the ticks in the subject to Tax/NI/Pension/AEO fields. Being able to extract the pay code info in a CSV report would ...
Georgie Doble over 2 years ago in Other 1 Shipped

Job Title Changes in Mass by Import

It would be very helpful to be able to update/change job titles in mass by csv import, as it seems that this can only be done manually, one worker at a time. Essentially it we be helpful to be able to update/change all employment details in mass b...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 1 Shipped

Recovered Amounts

Recovered amounts and NIC compensation to offset against PAYE through journals. At the moment this has to be done manually across multiple employers.
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Other 1 Shipped

Working patterns with different weeks

Please can you allow a work pattern to have differing weeks as not all work patterns are weekly - some are fortnightly. For example: week 1 = M-F 0900-1700 then week 2 = M-Th 0800-1800.
Michelle Wray almost 3 years ago in Time & Attendance 2 Shipped

Cost Centre Assign by CSV import

It would be useful to be able to assign cost centres to employees in mass by CSV import. It does not look like there is the abiilty to do so at this time. It seems that this has to be done one by one. It would also help to add cost centre code and...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 6 Shipped

Gross Up Pay Codes

Would it be possible to enable net amounts to be grossed up within the payroll?
Guest over 3 years ago in Payments 3 Shipped

SSO For Staffology Payroll

We've just found out that SSO isn't available for payroll but is for HR. Can we have SSO please.
Guest over 1 year ago in Connected Services 2 Shipped

Building Society Roll Number

Currently we are unable to pay someone who wishes to have their earnings paid to a Building Society Account with a Roll Number.
Guest over 2 years ago in Payments 1 Shipped

Journal with employee split

It would be beneficial to have the option to split journal out so on the software you can more clearly see the take home pay, tax, NIC etc for each employee, rather than just one total figure
Guest over 3 years ago in Connected Services 1 Shipped

Removing Accs Office Invalid format

We use the accs office ref to track which employers are closed/archived by adding 'closed' to the beginning of ref. If this can't be undone can you please add a column to the employers list showing who is archived or active.
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 1 Shipped