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Connected Services

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Add month number to HMRC reference for export to Telleroo

When the HMRC payment is exported to Telleroo it uses the Accounts Office Reference as the payment reference. This is causing problems with HMRC allocating payments as they expect the AOR followed by the last 2 digits of the tax year followed by t...
Guest 4 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Auto export payment files to an SFTP

For automating payments file uploads to 3rd party BACS providers (Access Pay in this case as Bottomline have lost the plot) it would be useful for Staffology to transfer the BACS payment files to an SFTP so they can be automatically collected.
Guest 4 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Multiple Nominal Codes to one pay code

When adding nominal codes there are some pay codes what we require to show on different nominal codes within our accounting software which I have been advised is not currently able to be done.
Guest 8 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Nominal code mapping import/export

Adding the nominal code mapping to the Pay Code import/export would be really helpful - manually entering these is a laborious process.
Joe Williams about 1 year ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Statutory Payments

Currently when an employee is off, the basic pay line on the payslip is reduced to take into account the absence. Would it be possible to have the option for the basic pay line to remain at the normal salary and a second line absence deduction? Th...
Guest about 2 years ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

Information within the Help Centre on the Third Party Native API's

Currently stuck between a rock and a hard place as a bureau trying to explain to our clients how the native API integrations work as there is no information within the help centre and everywhere you turn there is no help. The answer from Staffolog...
Jennefer Willmore 6 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Validation process for connected services

We are currently trying to streamline our clients by using as much of the automation and available API that the system can offer and are finding the process very jarring. A validation or test process would make this a lot better as each time we at...
Jennefer Willmore 8 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Allow invoices to be downloaded from billing

save you having to email VAT invoice each month
Guest 8 months ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Pay increases

We have the facility to apply a pay increase to all staff. Please can we have the facility to select which staff a pay increase should be allocated to?
Karen Murray over 1 year ago in Payments 0 Future consideration

Royal London Pension File

s it possible for the attached Pension report to be made available within the payroll? We have a client using Royal London and this is their requirement for the pension data, which is different to the current PAPDIS file
Guest over 3 years ago in Pension Providers 4 Will not implement