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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Pensions
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 12, 2021

Default Pension Scheme for different pay frequencies

We have a client with monthly and weekly payrolls, and they both have a different pension scheme. Could the option be added to the payroll to allow for more than one default AE scheme to allow them to link the correct scheme to the monthly and weekly payrolls? Whilst there is a work around, as with any work around there is a degree or risk and the employee being enrolled into the incorrect scheme.

    Jul 27, 2021

    Hi Hayley. Thanks for the suggestion. To paraphrase, the idea is to have an option for default pension scheme linked to the payroll rather than the company?
    I have said it that way rather than pay frequency to give you the option to have different payrolls with the same pay frequency having different default pension schemes. Let me know if that makes sense or if the pay frequency is more appropriate - or both?

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  • Guest
    Dec 9, 2024

    Is there a date for when in the future this will be available as I raised it back in 2021 as this will benefit our clients andremove the risk of having to manually adjust for weekly/monthly payruns.

  • Louie Hart
    Apr 19, 2023

    Hello, Could we get an update on this please? I can see my idea was merged with this one, but can also see this idea has been present for a long time.

  • Jade Swindail
    Jan 13, 2022


    I would like to second this, I agree with the above and think I may be able to confirm Hayley.

    Each pay frequency (payrun) needs its own pension scheme or worker group. When an employee starts work the correct worker group needs to be established.



Auto enrolment pension scheme options

We have four different pension schemes but no option to elect which scheme to auto-enrol an employee into if they meet the monthly threshold. I don't even understand what the work around is on this. Please help - the helpdesk couldn't !!
Karen Murray over 1 year ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Auto-enrolment default worker group based on pay frequency

You can only currently set one default worker group for auto-enrolment pensions per company. We have an employer who has a weekly and monthly payroll and when workers are auto-enrolled they all get added to the same worker group but on NEST there ...
Guest 5 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Having two default pension schemes for monthly and weekly paid employees on one payroll

We run a payroll with monthly and weekly paid employees and a pension scheme for each. Staffology only allows one default pension scheme which is set to the monthly pension. All weekly paid employees are Auto Enrolled into the monthly pension and ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Add default pension scheme to Pay schedules rather than PAYE as a whole

Could we add the option of having a default pension scheme for employees to be enrolled into per pay schedule rather than for the entity as a whole? As currently this can cause issues when a company has more than one pension software in use. An ex...
Louie Hart almost 2 years ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration