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Sort out the mapping on Staffology for various Pension Providers

When we changed from Iris Paymaster to Staffology, none of the mapping matches to Legal and General. Iris had previous done the bespoke mapping for me, but Staffology don't offer this, but they should. It's a requirement and should be dealt with u...
Guest 22 days ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Multiple period payslips downloadable as a pdf

We need to be able to download ONE pdf document for an employee with multiple payslips for a range of periods not download one at a time. Also we could do with adding more than one employee to this download.
Guest 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Mail Logs_search field

Currently we don't have the option to enter the page no or payment date to search the Employee. If page no / payment date entry / search field is enabled it would be more feasible for search. Time spent to search an Employee details will be reduce...
praveena sheshubabu 3 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Display employee age next to date of birth

No description provided
Amanda Phillips 11 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Hourly Rate Net to Gross

It is currently only possible to have one net to gross component and it must be a fixed value. We have clients that we cannot migrate as they use hourly based N2G. We would not be meeting our legal obligations to provide an itemised payslip if we ...
Jennefer Willmore 2 months ago in Payrun 0 New

Files Import/Export Tracking

Currently, we lack information about the number of files imported and exported. If the Staffology employer profile could display a record of imports and exports made to the account, similar to the Audit Trail, it would be highly beneficial.
Shruthika Todupunuri 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

RTI information visible to clients

It would be helpful if RTI information could be visible to clients.
Guest 5 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Restrict user access to a payroll at one given time

At present, multiple users can access a clients payroll - changes may occur without the payroll provider knowing and therefore payroll reports could be incorrect/wrong Should only allow 1 user to access at a time to prevent errors
Pooja Patel 23 days ago in Users 0 New

I need a note to say that payslips have been pushed to MEPW

when pushing payslips to MEPW there is nothing to show that this has been done in Staffology, the only way to see is to log into MEPW to see if they are on there. We need a button to show the date the payslips werte published/pushed through.
Lyn Yaxley 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Resubmitting monthly EPS

Some clients collect their CIS statements after the 19th of the month. For this reason, the CIS Suffer needs to be amended even after the 19th. We have also had a few occasions where we received a message from HMRC saying they have not received in...
Natalie Roque 16 days ago in CIS 0 New