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Pro Rata Calculations

When a salary is pro rata'd payroll is calculating based on a percentage of days worked. Our client is calculating as annual salary divided by 12 divided by number of working days in the month multiplied by the actual number of days worked. Whilst...
Guest about 3 years ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Dynamic "tokens/content" in autopilot payrun emails

Hi, We need to include some figures like "Balance Due Amount", "Due date" (by which this balance needs to be paid to HMRC) from the P32 report as part of the email content when sending email from Payrun Auto Email (please see attached example emai...
Richard Williams about 3 years ago in Automation 2 Future consideration

Expenses - Xero

Would we be able to import expenses from Xero
Guest about 1 year ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Report header amendment

Please correct the report headers with employer name line. As it is you can't read easily and should be in bold type please.
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Fix "Total employees to be paid - View" bug

After you've run Payroll, you're provided with a report with a series of actions that need to be processed - this is helpful. However, clicking on the "View" button to see the list of employees that need to be paid takes you to the "Required Payme...
Gavin Courtney about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Microsoft Authenticator

Please allow us to use Microsoft Authenticator as well as Google Authenticator
Nick Flack about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 1 Will not implement

Apprenticeship levy basis value to be included on pay run report so you can see the number used for calculation of the levy

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Will not implement

Red Employee number in search bar and employee list

This will be much quicker rather than clicking into the profile to see if the employee has a leave date entered
Charlotte Sewell over 3 years ago in Other 0 Will not implement

New leave-related Webhook events

Please create the following Webhook events:- Leave Created Leave Updated Leave Deleted This will save us having to have a scheduled task hitting the List Leave event for every employee on a scheduled basis.
Andy Ross about 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

Add tax year and month to payment reference on P30 at the end of each quarter

It would be much easier for client to receive P30 with reference to appear in full on quarters PAYE is due.
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration