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Pension report multiple pay run

Unfortunately we still run a weekly payroll as well as monthly. Support have suggested I add them all together, which I can do. However our old software let us run a report for the month. Surely this should be built into Staffology?
Cliff Fountain about 1 year ago in Pensions 2 Acknowledged

Error message display

Please can we have error or advice/confirmation messages displayed as a window rather than a flash up on the screen. If you look away, you can easily miss it and have no idea what was said! Thank you.
Pamela Finbow 11 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Pay analysis report for all periods of a year in one report

Please can you provide a report that incorporates an analysis of each employee's pay breakdown for all periods - as the word document attached shows. It is very useful
Annette Mackay 5 months ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Changing Company cars mid year

I have been asked by support to put this through as a new idea, but Earnie payroll already does it!. If an employee changes car mid month, from a high co2 level to an electric car, and are due to a refund of Bik, Staffology calculates the correct ...
Tina Coggon 9 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Payroll Processing Guide

The guide/ help pages available are very vague, please produce a payroll manual that has step by step instructions of the actions required and the order to complete them. The guide should include importing Perm and temp data, cover all payroll iss...
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net report to include NIable Pay

Is it possible to add NIable Pay onto CSV Gross to net report from staffology or is there a report that we can show Taxable and NIable pay each period in excel?
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add month number to HMRC reference for export to Telleroo

When the HMRC payment is exported to Telleroo it uses the Accounts Office Reference as the payment reference. This is causing problems with HMRC allocating payments as they expect the AOR followed by the last 2 digits of the tax year followed by t...
Guest 4 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Natwest payment - ability to name the bank Template

Can Staffology please implement the ability to enter the Bank Template reference for Natwest. This facility was available in Star IPP whereby you can name the Template. See attached screenshot.
Nicholas Law 4 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

BIK payments not appearing for PALs

When processing a PAL, Staffology was processing the BIK Elements also - is there a way that when you process PAL you can ensure BIK payments are not processed - When an employee is made a leaver BIK elements should stop
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Auto export payment files to an SFTP

For automating payments file uploads to 3rd party BACS providers (Access Pay in this case as Bottomline have lost the plot) it would be useful for Staffology to transfer the BACS payment files to an SFTP so they can be automatically collected.
Guest 4 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration