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Showing 646 of 646

'Pension Summary Reports' named with the scheme name

We have various pension schemes set up and when running the pension reports - the name of the scheme does not appear at the top of the PDF download, it is just called ‘Pension Summary’. I would be useful to have the name of the scheme at the top o...
Guest 9 days ago in Pensions 0 New

Request for Scheduled Dispatch of Payrun Reports

Currently, payrun reports are sent directly to the client when "auto emails" are enabled. However, they are dispatched immediately after the payrun is finalized. We are seeking an option to schedule these emails for a specific date instead.
Shruthika Todupunuri 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Automation failure warnings

Please could we have a warning if any part of an automated payroll has failed? For example payslips haven't gone, email has bounced, rti has failed. This would need to be a warning which remains and can be accessed like the pension failed warning,...
Emily Libby about 1 month ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Printing / emailing payslips

It would be useful if we could print all payslips for an individual in one print - we are regularly asked for copy payslips for a period of time, and at the moment we have to download each individual pay slip one at a time.
Pay Roll 3 months ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Number of AE letters sent

Current there is no way to find number of letters sent in a particular period. We need these number for our invoicing purpose as some our clients might have 100s of letter each pay period. Is it possible to add total number of letters sent in the ...
Ibrahim Raja 2 months ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Resend Payments to connected services

I would like to resubmit payments to the connected services
Izzy Hayhurst about 1 month ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

RTI information visible to clients

It would be helpful if RTI information could be visible to clients.
Guest about 2 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Merging Weekly & Monthly Gross to Net Summaries

We process weekly & monthly employees for employers using departments. For reporting purposes it would be helpful to have a Gross to Net report featuring employees by department which includes all employees paid during the PAYE period.
Michele Meddins 10 days ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Ceased Membership included on Employee Export

When running an employee export, it does not advise of ceased memberships (only active pensions and opt-outs) which means that you need to overlay other exports to get a full picture. Would be very useful if ceased memberships exported also as whe...
Guest 22 days ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Ability to turn off working pattern calculations

There are some working patterns that the system can't currently support such as 3 on 3 off or irregular patterns that aren't based on 7 days and in these circumstances, we would like to disable the auto calculation of the Base Hourly Rate and Base...
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee Setup 2 Future consideration