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Showing 646 of 646

Import Permanent Data

Could you please make it easier to import permanent data; For example updating hourly rates without having to use the huge spreadsheet?
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Payslip Layout - Benefit in Kind do not show on the payslip

Benefits in Kind do not show on the payslips. This needs to show on the payslip.
Ann West 8 months ago in Payslips 1 Already exists

Department split on Payroll Analysis

It would be helpful if the payroll analysis report is able to split one employees pay details according to the department cost split. For example we have an employee that works for two different clients and we want to show this split via the depar...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Allocated payrolls

As well as having payroll owners, we should be able to allocate payrolls to users. Have an 'admin' or 'manager' user permission who is able to allocate certain users certain payrolls. We have huge issues with payrolls for people that have left our...
Charlotte Sewell about 2 years ago in Users 4 Started

Average Holiday - hours used to include working pattern hours + pay code set

On the average holiday feature you can only use the system to calculate the hours based on pay code sets or working pattern. We need the system to be dividing the last 12 month's pay by the normal hours for salaried staff plus any overtime hours
Kile Simmonds 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Including the pay run opening date, re-opening date, and finalising date within the employer audit.

Including the pay run opening date, re-opening date, and finalising date within the employer audit. As a bureau, we need to be able to identify who has conducted certain actions to support development and trouble shoot. We have had instances where...
Guest 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Set Report Names

The default names for downloaded reports are inconsistent and messy. Please could we set our own report names with tokens for particular periods.
Emily Libby 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Errors shown during employee import

When importing employee data (especially large piece of data at the point of implementation), the errors shown are individual rather than in bulk : example of an error "5 Payroll Codes in your CSV file (including '1802') are already in use". It wo...
Raluca Ioan 7 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Make& Model of Car - Benefits

The make and model field for payrolled car benefits is unlimited in terms of the number of characters, however this is causing the FPS to fail as there is a limited number of charcters accepted on the FPS. Could validation be added to only allow t...
Guest 5 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Employee Notes Flag

would it be possible to amend the colour of the Employee Notes Tab, so when there is a note placed against an employee is it obvious when accessing the record from the payroll run or the Employee record direct.
Matthew Gillett 9 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration