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Printing / emailing payslips

It would be useful if we could print all payslips for an individual in one print - we are regularly asked for copy payslips for a period of time, and at the moment we have to download each individual pay slip one at a time.
Pay Roll 22 days ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Allow clients to add payslip messages themselves

A function to allow clients to add payslip messages to employees payslips themselves.
Guest 21 days ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Navigating between employees in the payrun

It would be useful to have an arrow to navigate to the next or previous employee. Instead of exiting and clicking on the next employee, which you may have to scroll down to. Would also be useful in the employees records too.
Cliff Fountain 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Planned

An activity log for clients.

An activity log would enable us to track whether clients have reviewed payroll and accessed the system, which would be particularly penitent on BACs days. Currently, the audit trail doesn't provide visibility into client activity. Additionally, it...
Guest 30 days ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Draft reports email/download report pack with one click

We have many clients who receive draft reports for authorisation prior to payroll being finalised. These clients do not want to have a log in to Staffology and run their own reports. Please can we either have the ability to send a draft version of...
Emily Libby 24 days ago in Bureau 0 New

Payslips as a report for Report Packs

The ability to automate a report pack which includes Payslips (Not currently available as a report in their own right) would be really helpful for a lot of bureaus. In most cases bureaus in accounting firms just need a Gross to Net, a payslip, and...
Andrea Squires 18 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Dashboard View

Being new to Staffology, it seems that there is a lot of back and forth between tabs when processing a new employer / payroll which accumulates additional time. It will be helpful for any newbie to view the tabs in the order of process, i.e: Dashb...
Pooja Patel 23 days ago in Dashboard 1 Future consideration

Total contribution figure to be included on Pension Summary

On the pension summary report there is a total at the end of each column for Er's & Ee's contributions. However, it would be very useful if there was an overall total of these figures added together on the report
Rachel Radford 9 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Summary Report

Would be great to have a summary report, like what is available in IPP
Julia Glass 23 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow clients to submit for processing when employees have negative net pay

Sometimes payroll submissions are missed as clients cannot submit the payroll for processing when an employee has negative net pay. If we could allow clients to submit for processing but not allow us to submit for approval with negative net pays t...
Guest about 1 month ago in MIscellaneous 1 Already exists