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Showing 95

Primary Role Within Multi Roles Feature

You should be able to identify a 'primary' role within the multi role feature so that when you move to the Pay Options screen the data that auto populates is that of the primary role. Currently, the auto populated data is just the first role in th...
Caroline McCart 2 months ago in Other Settings 0 Future consideration

Employer record

Please can you enable the UTR and CoTax lines in the company record to be both filled in with the same number. (as it is the same number). When I file an EPS I have to delete the UTR box and when I file the CIS300 I have to delete the CoTax box. I...
Guest 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Auto email template - incorrect wording needs correcting

Hi there, when we use the system template for "Payroll Auto Email", the wording says: " I've just completed the Monthly payrun for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Please see the attached the relevant files for Month 8 that haven't been emailed directly to em...
Guest 3 months ago in Automation 0 Pending Review

P11Ds - Remove Gender, D.O.B, and Address from P11D

As P11Ds are to just show employees and employers the benefit figure they receive during a tax year, I believe the Gender, Date of Birth and Address details are unnecessary. Given the platform produces what seems to be its own "simplified" version...
Guest 11 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Creation of 'Tasks' - to automate report saving

The system should accommodate the creation of 'Tasks' that an be create an run to automatically save a selection of reports.
Guest 3 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Employee Notes Flag

would it be possible to amend the colour of the Employee Notes Tab, so when there is a note placed against an employee is it obvious when accessing the record from the payroll run or the Employee record direct.
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Pay History for AVRG Holiday

Please exclude holiday pay from the calculation of the average holiday rate calculation. The included holiday pay is increasing the holiday pay rate when it should not. Only the paid hours/bonuses should accrue holiday and influence the average ho...
Guest 3 months ago in Payments 0 New

Errors shown during employee import

When importing employee data (especially large piece of data at the point of implementation), the errors shown are individual rather than in bulk : example of an error "5 Payroll Codes in your CSV file (including '1802') are already in use". It wo...
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Settings 1 Future consideration

Pay codes must be blocked from being deleted if there are any values against them.

The system must block the deletion of any pay codes that have a value against them. Amongst other things, this causes the journal to be out of balance.
Lisa Ramos 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Xero payroll journals to be posted as Approved (not Draft)

It's a pain having to go into Xero to "approve" the draft payroll journals, whilst QBO journals are posted as approved with no further manual adjustments required. Please change it so the journals get posted as approved (or, so there's an option i...
Guest 8 months ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration