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Showing 31

Net to Gross Paycodes

We require the ability to create a net to gross pay code (grossed up) so they can be imported via a CSV file rather than manually entering each grossed up payment on the employees individual profile in the payrun.
Guest 7 months ago in Payrun 4 Shipped

Average Holiday Pay - 104 Week Reference Period

Ability to automatically calculate the legislated 104 week reference period for average holiday pay.As currently this functionality only works for employees on Weekly pay schedules, and not fortnightly, lunar or monthly.
Guest 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Shipped

Amending finalised payrolls

If you have to amend a finalised payroll, it would be useful if you could amend the worker in question rather than open up the entire payroll as when you open a payroll other workers pay changes due to pension postponments etc.
Sarah Carter over 3 years ago in Payrun 4 Shipped

Change to Employee NI Category

Can a flag/warning be added to employees with a change of NI CategoryFor employees due to reach state pension age could these be flagged in the system as proof of age is required before a change is made to the NI category
Guest over 3 years ago in Payrun 0 Shipped

NMW Flag

Could a flag be added to Staffology so that it identified any employees who fall below the National Minimum wage.The background to this is where an employee is in salary sacrifice pension and wishes to pay an AVC. The AVC would bring them below th...
Guest over 3 years ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Holidays calculation on Hours

How do we calculate holidays on someone with a zero hour contract
Guest over 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Shipped

Average holiday pay to default to hourly rate if average calculation is lower

If an employees average holiday pay is lower than their standard hourly rate which can happen as a result of pay rises etc the software should have the option to default to the employees standard hourly rate.
Katie Dilloway about 1 year ago in Payrun 2 Shipped

Add Holiday Days/Hours to Payment Import for when calculating those with Average Holiday Pay

Now there is a function to calculate holiday pay automatically, it would be really helpful to load those hours or days as a payment amount ont he monthly import. We have over 150 ee's and to amend them manual yif they have holiday will be a large ...
Tanya Birnie over 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Able to offset sick leave from previous months

The ability to have SSP that has been entered using dates from an already finalised month as a lot of companies have separate cut off points for sick leave etc without having to amend the SSP manually.
Guest over 3 years ago in Payrun 1 Shipped

Add sort function on payruns for clients with less than 10 employees

Please add sort function on pay runs for clients with less than 10 employees. Thank you!
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Shipped