Could a flag be added to Staffology so that it identified any employees who fall below the National Minimum wage.
The background to this is where an employee is in salary sacrifice pension and wishes to pay an AVC. The AVC would bring them below the NMW, so we want the option to allow them to have just the AVC as net pay contribution instead.
Hi Hayley
Thanks for your feedback on the current capability for managing NMW. Yes we do have plans to improve this. I'll check your list against what we have to make sure we cover those in it. I'll leave this ticket open so it covers the full feature set.
Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. The ability to validate and highlight instances where NMW has not been met is something that is definitely of value to many.
I will pass this on to the review board.
Hi Dylan, I have seen the new functionality today in payroll for NMW - which is great, however, is there an option to tick the box for all employees and is there additional functionality to highlight employees either salaried or hourly paid who are currently being paid less than NMW? The new functionality will work well for new employees who are hourly paid to ensure NMW is met, but needs to be extended to all employees paid hourly or salaried to ensure they do not fall below and do not fall foul with HMRC as 191 employers recently did.