Can you let me know if you added the feature of sorting the payslips out in Alphabetical order when we download it in PDF format. At the moment when download it it comes up at code order. It would be greatly appreciated if you could have this facility as it makes life much easier when you cross check the gross to net report to the payslips.
We need the payslips when we print it out in alphabetical order and not in code order as its annoying when we have to do checks against the gross to net report as that report is in alphabetical order.
Hey - Great news! We have been working on introducing sorting within the employee screen and payroll run screen. Employee screen sorting will be released on Thursday and employee pay run sorting will be available in the next 2 weeks.
Thanks for your reply. I���d say both as I do everything regarding staff alphabetically and so it would make my life easier to at least have that option to change the order.
Hi, Is it possible we can have the payslips in alphabetical order or have a function like we did on Iris as my payroll manager likes the employees in alphabetical order and not just in title and payroll number order.
Sorting by employee name does not work as expected
We are unable to sort the payrun data based on an employee's name. Since the employee's name contain their title, they are sorted according to their title instead of their actual name which is very annoying.
Richard Williams
over 1 year ago
in Payrun
please put employee codes in number order not random
Pay codes go from 1 and up but when i printed pension summary and other reports employee is random 5,9,2,3, in no order and each report is more random
To be able to sort the payroll list of employees in alphabetical order of surname
6 months ago
Employee Codes in payrun
When I open a new pay run my employee codes are scattered and not in number order, why has this changed? It now will take me twice as long to fill in my pay run which is really frustrating! Please change it back
We need to be able to filter the client names in A-Z by surname and forename, at the moment you can only filter their title which is no help what so ever. Their names would be better in separate columns like they are on IPP so they can be filtered...
Natalie Howell
about 1 year ago
in Dashboard
Sort less than 10+ employees
At the moment you cannot sort or filter less than 10 employees, our employee list is in alphabetical order and we need it in payroll number order. Having to wait until we have 10+ staff seems a bit silly.
Can you let me know if you added the feature of sorting the payslips out in Alphabetical order when we download it in PDF format. At the moment when download it it comes up at code order. It would be greatly appreciated if you could have this facility as it makes life much easier when you cross check the gross to net report to the payslips.
We need the payslips when we print it out in alphabetical order and not in code order as its annoying when we have to do checks against the gross to net report as that report is in alphabetical order.
I agree this feature should be available on all screens
Cost of Employment
Pension Summary
Payments required
As very time consuming the way it is at present
Hey - Great news! We have been working on introducing sorting within the employee screen and payroll run screen. Employee screen sorting will be released on Thursday and employee pay run sorting will be available in the next 2 weeks.
This feature should be avialable on all screens displaying Employee Numbers/ Names. E.G. Payroll, Employee Records, Pension screen etc.
Hi Izzy
Thanks for your reply. I���d say both as I do everything regarding staff alphabetically and so it would make my life easier to at least have that option to change the order.
Kind regards
Helen Jolliffe
Manager RLVP/Roche Pebbles
01726 891597
Hey Helen - Thank you for your idea! Please can you confirm if you are referring to the payroll run or from within the employee screen or both!