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Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Categories Payrun
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2022

Pay Code Calculation Type

When creating new paycodes and defining how it is calculated could sectors be added as well as hours and days? We have a client who calculate some pay based on sectors and this would be really benefical to have.

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  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2023

    Great thanks Izzy. Happy to have a call whenever is convenient for you.

  • Admin
    Izzy Hayhurst
    Dec 23, 2022

    Hey Hayley - Thank you for coming back to to me! Lets set up a call to run through this in the new year.

  • Guest
    Dec 13, 2022

    Hi Izzy, What our client is looking for is an addiotonal drop down for Sectors. At the moment they are making do with the hours or days drop downs, but to avoid payslip queries woudl be good if they could select sector then add the information to calculate that payment. Happy to discuss further if you need more information.

  • Admin
    Izzy Hayhurst
    Dec 13, 2022

    Hey Hayley - are you able to provide more information on this? Would you want different calculations per pay codes at a global rate?