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Created by Malcolm Rynn
Created on Oct 5, 2024

Reports - Gross to Net Calendar option needed rather than just by tax year

Many business have accounting year ends that differ from the tax year April to April), ours ends on 31st Dec. We need an option (which was available on 12 pay - Rolling year figures) whereby we can see the Gross to net figure for the calendar year rather than the tax year.

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  • Malcolm Rynn
    Oct 13, 2024

    I totally agree, we used 12pay which was a lot more user friendly and more flexible for producing reports

  • Cameron Malcolm
    Oct 10, 2024

    Not just the tax year or calender year even, it needs to have an option to choose to and from any dates we choose. This is a report we have always had to use for lots of our clients on Earnie and I know it's going to cause issues when they are needed in the future now that we've made the change over.