We are having numerous issues with the payment after leaving flag. You are unable to remove it once the pay run has started unless you delete the whole pay run and start again
Charlotte Sewell
about 3 years ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
User defined fields for 'All Required Payments' report
Add a tick box for user defined fields for 'All Required Payments' report. Have all required payment in one report - user defined so customer can adjust as required. Simplicity and convenience reasons :)
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The Staffology support team have advised that currently you cannot extract bank payment files via API.Can this functionality be included to the API suite?
over 1 year ago
in API Direct
Already exists
It would be helpful to have an add on /premium paid feature to incorporate the NHS pension scheme as an option. Prebuilt in bandings and auto review based on revised annualised pensionable earnings each month would be required with potential chang...
Katie Dilloway
over 1 year ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
Unpaid pay codes do not show on the Payroll Analysis report, making it difficult for clients to know that we have processed unpaid leave of their employees.
In particular, our subcontractors are often paid advances but these are causing the CIS return to fail. I have to run the CIS payroll, print all the reports for file send payslips then go back into the data to removed the advances so the CIS retur...
katrina Kilcoyne
over 3 years ago
in CIS
Future consideration
Import details like RTI credentials, Employer PAYE Reference
When importing data from Sage, it does not bring details like RTI credentials, Employer PAYE Reference, etc. We need to migrate like 50-100 companies and it will be really painful if we have to add them manually for each company
Richard Williams
over 3 years ago
in Employer Setup
Future consideration
Please can the postponemenmt date be included in column AF of the PAPDIS file? At the moment employees who are deferred are showing on the file but without a deferred date which causes issues with the pension provider.
over 3 years ago
in Pensions
Will not implement