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When pulling hours from rotacload it pulls the hours for each day the employee has worked. would be better if these were grouped up as a total hours in a month

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Glyn Biggs over 1 year ago in API Direct 3 Future consideration

Subcontractor data import

Ability to import subcontractor data, similar to an employee import with all relevant fields available including payslip password.
Katrina Kilcoyne almost 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Would it be possible to add HR software HIBOb to the list with connected services. Thank you very much!

No description provided
Ralitsa Velinova almost 2 years ago in Connected Services 1 Future consideration

Validation errors while posting data through the API

I am developing a client for Staffology API. I've noticed that while posting data to create an employee, the API throws Bad Request for a single property only. It becomes a lot easier if an array of all validation errors are sent instead of a sing...
Guest almost 2 years ago in API Direct 1 Future consideration

Add a Demo Account with Dummy Data

Add a free demo account that includes dummy data for all users to explore the software functionality and to be able to create in-house and online training how-to videos without the issue of having to reveal sensitive employee data.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 1 Already exists

Would it possible to add Planday to the list with options to connect for Time & Attendance. Thank you very much!

No description provided
Ralitsa Velinova almost 2 years ago in Connected Services 1 Future consideration

Add excluded people to a finalized pay run.

I used to be able to add excluded people to a pay run even after finalizing that pay run but as of today i am unable too, please change it back otherwise i have to delete my pay run and start again just to add one person on.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Apprenticeship levy basis value to be included on pay run report so you can see the number used for calculation of the levy

No description provided
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Will not implement

Ability to upload Payment Breakdown through API

We have temps that work for different employers and being able to put some information such as the date, client and payrate etc.
Guest about 2 years ago in API Direct 1 Acknowledged

Ability to adjust the deptments once a payrun has been finalised

We use the departments to post salaries to different account codes in Xero. Sometimes new staff are set up by mistake with the wrong department so would be useful to have the functionality to edit the depertment.
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration