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Payslip format

Firstly Under the name of company I need Just mention ( Month 6 ) and omit the (6th Oct '24 to 5th Nov '24) phrase. becouse the employees cut off date is different and I can not explain to each of them thet your wages is not base on the mentioned ...
Guest 5 months ago in Payslips 1 Acknowledged

Payslip Layout - Benefit in Kind do not show on the payslip

Benefits in Kind do not show on the payslips. This needs to show on the payslip.
Ann West 11 months ago in Payslips 1 Already exists

Year to date payment summary report

The YTD report currently provided does not have sufficent information included. Firstly - please can you add the month it runs too - not just Month 3, but June, or 30/6 etc We also need to see the monthly figures for that month within the same rep...
Luke Hayes 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Barclays Bacs

Barclays BACS file pulls the employee name from the Basic Details tab in their employee record, rather than the name on the Bank Account tab. This therefore includes the employees full name (including middle name) so the name cuts off on the BACS ...
Guest 7 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

File name options

At the moment, when you download documents like P60s, it doesn't have them the employer name on them. This can become an issue when downloading numerous P60s as it is very easy to send the wrong file to a customer. Can the naming format of the P60...
Charlotte Sewell almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Pay Schedule Date Changing

I would like to be able to enter an effective from date that an employee should move from one pay schedule to another
Nick Merenda over 2 years ago in Payrun 4 Future consideration

Import Permanent Data

Could you please make it easier to import permanent data; For example updating hourly rates without having to use the huge spreadsheet?
Emily Libby 7 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Pay History for AVRG Holiday

Please exclude holiday pay from the calculation of the average holiday rate calculation. The included holiday pay is increasing the holiday pay rate when it should not. Only the paid hours/bonuses should accrue holiday and influence the average ho...
Guest 3 months ago in Payments 0 New

BACS Files For Large Payments

Allow Staffology to generate BACS payment files similar tor HMRC payment file where we can add the sort code/acc number of the payee and the amount to be paid. In a lot of cases, the banks have pay amount limits per day and it would be ideal if we...
Guest 3 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 New

Employee Notes Flag

would it be possible to amend the colour of the Employee Notes Tab, so when there is a note placed against an employee is it obvious when accessing the record from the payroll run or the Employee record direct.
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Other 0 Future consideration