Separate automation settings for each pay frequency
We have clients with several different frequencies under one PAYE ref and it would be good to have different automation settings for each of these. For example finalise one frequency on pay day and another 6 days before.
Emily Libby
6 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
When we generate the Year to date balances report not all employees with YTD show on this report so we cannot balance back YTD figures after period processed. Year to date balance report should include all employees, why are some leavers etc missi...
Stacey Hendry
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
it would be very useful to have all reports either in Alphabetical order or Number order. as printing required payments is very random a sort button at the top would be very useful
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
From the employee screen there is no way to see the historical pension contributions which would be really helpful. Instead you have to go out of the employee record and run a report.
about 1 month ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
It would be great to be able to import end dates for existing benefits, or if importing updated rates for existing benefits, Staffology would automatically end the previous one
Tina Coggon
about 2 months ago
in Employee Setup
When using a day based holiday leave setting at company level, it would be useful if the software would adjust the entitlement remaining from the annual default to the pro-rata value relevant to the new starter based on their join date. Current pr...
Jennefer Willmore
5 months ago
in Other
Future consideration
Why is the format so different to the standard payslips. We have clients who want to be able to access, print and post out for some employees, but the address is not in the right place.
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in Payslips
We close down for 2 weeks during summer and Christmas and with the old Iris I could run the payroll and then advance it by a further 2 weeks, in effect paying 3 weeks wages in one pay run. This option is not available in Staffology and I now have ...
When running an employee export, it does not advise of ceased memberships (only active pensions and opt-outs) which means that you need to overlay other exports to get a full picture. Would be very useful if ceased memberships exported also as whe...
Jennefer Willmore
4 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration