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Showing 752 of 752

Hours worked by employee under each location

We require a report that displays the hours worked by each employee under different locations/departments for a specific pay period. Our clients have requested this data to accurately track departmental costs.
Srilakshmi Patlolla 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Printing Training Notes

It would be useful to be able to print your training notes, specifically End of Year checklist and notes. In the current format, it does not print well at all. This was always available with PayeMaster and is ideal when you have a singular screen ...
Guest 10 days ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

The option to run payslips and payment reports in alphabetical order

When I am checking and entering bank payments it would be very useful to be able to have the payslips and payment reports in alphabetical order when printing. You could chose this option in payroll bureau.
Guest 5 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Sort tab for current pay runs

With the new update, we have lost the ability to sort the current pay runs. With over 130 payrolls to do, I need this to check I have done the pay runs on time and that i haven't missed any. I used this tab every day please can we have it back
Theresa Cook about 1 month ago in Dashboard 0 New

Set up Cycle to Work scheme repayments as an option within payroll

Can this be set up as an option to select for those employees participating in the scheme? If selected this would be automatically deducted from their total pay, before tax & NI deductions.
Guest 29 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Payslip - Online / Paper flag

No ability to highlight if a payslip should be "paper" and then sent to employee. We have Online payslips and paper payslips for - there is no flag in staffology to flag this so we can only generate 1 payslip report
Stacey Hendry about 2 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Surname Validation on Payroll Import

It would be useful for the system to have a surname validation when importing payroll data. It runs a lot of risk if there are issues with pay codes being against incorrect employees and all data is imported as a result. On total checks, everythin...
Kile Simmonds 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

FPS Report Adj

Hello, FPS report can currently be resubmitted for all employees even though you only make an adjustment to one. Can this be implemented please?
Guest about 1 month ago in RTI & Notices 0 New

CIS Suffered

When creating the EPS for CIS Suffered instead of only pulling through the year to date figure, please can it include the current month's figures as well so that you don't have to manually adjust the figure.
Julia Glass 5 months ago in CIS 0 Future consideration

Changing the letter templates in My Epay Window

I would like to be able to amend the templates for the pension letters, as when they get uplaoded to employees account, the structure and the wording is different to the template in staffology. The template should match
Vicky Bourne 29 days ago in Documentation 0 Future consideration