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Quick Link to Bureau Dashboard

Please could you add a quick link to Bureau Dashboard along the top taskbar?
Emily Libby 8 months ago in Bureau 2 Future consideration

Client list in drop down

When you want to change client and you select the drop down could that last 5 clients you used be in that list rather than having to click on all clients and scroll down. Useful when you were working on a payroll but had to look at something in an...
Ruth Griffiths 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Ability for bureaus to download usage by employer stats into CSV/XLSX

The per employer usage stats held at tenant level are very useful, particularly for client billing as it contains number of payslips processed but also for analysis as it contains variance/change to prior month also but it is only available on scr...
Jennefer Willmore 4 months ago in Bureau 1 Future consideration

Add more settings to defaults and bureau settings

Currently you are limited on copying certain defaults from one payroll to another. It would be useful if EVERY payroll setting could be set a a bureau level and applied to existing and new payrolls. Specifically things like mail settings, template...
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Bureau - Modulr Function

We have recently migrated from BrigthPay where we were able to send payment files to clients' Modulr accounts through API, but have been notified by support that Modulr is only available for direct clients with Staffology, not bureau clients. Plea...
Guest 6 months ago in Bureau 5 Future consideration

Select what to import using Migration Tool

I'm in the process of migrating from IPP using the tool and would love to be able to select what I want it to import - particularly pay components. Components don't migrate as you would expect (for example Salary comes over as a custom code) and y...
Emily Libby 7 months ago in Bureau 1 Acknowledged

Group employers in employers list global for all user

It's really furstrating to allocated employers to a group but it is only for an individual user. This should be a global setting that affect all users for those payrolls. Also can the 'Your employers' and Other employers lists be merged - Or can w...
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 1 Acknowledged

Edit templates at a bureau level and ability to apply to all, or selected payrolls

All the templates need to have master templates at a bureau level, which allow you to implement these to existing payroll and as defaults on new payrolls.
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Bureau Dashboard - Pension column for direct connection

In the Bureau Dashboard, please add a column for pension where there is a direct connection so that we know easily if there is an error on upload. Thank you
Guest 9 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration

Bureau Dashboard

Please can you look at the sort functionality of the Bureau Dashboard. Currently the Pay Date column sorts the dates numerically rather than chronologically, which causes confusion. We have over 400 employers in our bureau and most are paid four w...
Guest 10 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration