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Ideas Portal


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Customise the automated emails for payroll approval

It would be beneficial to be able to customise the emails that are automatically sent when a payroll is sent to the payroll client approver for approval. As a bureau this would be beneficial so that we can reconfirm our companies timescales / SLAS...
Jennefer Willmore 7 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Cost Centre list

It would be useful to have the cost centre list in Account Code or Name order so it is easier to find the cost centre when selecting it on all pages where we wish to add a cost centre. I believe they currently appear in the order they were added?
Trevor Jones 3 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration

Xero payroll journals to be posted as Approved (not Draft)

It's a pain having to go into Xero to "approve" the draft payroll journals, whilst QBO journals are posted as approved with no further manual adjustments required. Please change it so the journals get posted as approved (or, so there's an option i...
Guest 8 months ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Add new types of leave

We should be able to add new types of leave to suit our company's requirements, and set these up to come out of the employee's holiday count or not. Currently the selection of options available is pretty limited. For example I need to be able to a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Time & Attendance 1 Future consideration

Add month number to HMRC reference for export to Telleroo

When the HMRC payment is exported to Telleroo it uses the Accounts Office Reference as the payment reference. This is causing problems with HMRC allocating payments as they expect the AOR followed by the last 2 digits of the tax year followed by t...
Guest 3 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Auto export payment files to an SFTP

For automating payments file uploads to 3rd party BACS providers (Access Pay in this case as Bottomline have lost the plot) it would be useful for Staffology to transfer the BACS payment files to an SFTP so they can be automatically collected.
Guest 3 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Umbrella Basic Pay Rates

I have raised this concern previously, we run am umbrella payroll however currently the only option within Staffology, is to use national minimum wage as the basic rate of pay. My client wishes the basic rate to be linked to London Living Wage. As...
Karen Durden 4 months ago in Umbrella 0 Future consideration

Multiple Nominal Codes to one pay code

When adding nominal codes there are some pay codes what we require to show on different nominal codes within our accounting software which I have been advised is not currently able to be done.
Guest 8 months ago in Connected Services 0 Future consideration

Nominal code mapping import/export

Adding the nominal code mapping to the Pay Code import/export would be really helpful - manually entering these is a laborious process.
Joe Williams about 1 year ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

User preference option when saving employee profiles

When we used to click 'save' on an employees profile. It used to keep on the same screen but now it reverts to the main employee screen. Can there be a user preference to change this setting back?
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in Profile 1 Future consideration