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Employee Setup

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sorting order/option in work patterns in pay options

Either numerical or alpha order when using the work patterns, no logical order
Sharon Burgess about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Declaration to drive tax code for new joiner

At the moment, the tax code for new joiner is driven by the declaration selected when the employee is set up. But on some occasions we need to change the declaration before the first payrun and then need to remember to manually change the tax code...
Guest about 2 years ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Salaried Employees Hourly Rate - More Decimal Places

Salaried employees Base Hourly Rate on their profile only calculates to two decimal places, this causes discrepancies particularly on termination and providing quotes to clients.Staffology allows for more numbers to be manually entered after the d...
Guest 10 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Custom Mileage Rates

It would be helpful to be able to include custom rates for Mileage where employers do not pay the standard rate, they may be paying a fuel only rate or additional can be paid for example when carrying passengers. Also some employers have contracts...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Previous Payroll Code Disappears

When implementing an existing payroll mid tax year the 'Previous Payroll Code' must currently be uploaded twice, as after the parallel parun the value disappears and would not be reported on the first live FPS file. To ensure employee YTD figures ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Assess NMW for an Apprentice based on age and employment duration

I have tested in my test setup and checked with our team to confirm that NMW is updated based on age and rates for that tax year. This functionality of assessing NMW for an apprentice based on their employment duration is not available yet.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

NI Category location

It's best to add NI category next to NINO section instead of in another section to save time.
Guest 8 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Pay options tab to show the current post/role first

The pay option tab defaults to the first post/role attached. Once this post has ended it would help if it didn't remain the default. For example an employee starts work as a relief position then 6 months later becomes contracted. It would be helpf...
Sharon Burgess 11 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Add a payment option of Bank Transfer or Faster Payment in the drop down

Please add this feature, or a feature to allow the bank credit without having the employee bank details input.
S Mackin 11 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

NI Category Validation process

The system will prompt an NI Category letter when craeting a new employee record, using the wizard. However, there is no NI Category validation if the wizard is not used or an NI category is amended, after the initial employee record is created. T...
Matthew Gillett 11 months ago in Employee Setup 2 Already exists