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Pension Earnings Period should be based on the pay schedule, not the pay date

If a payroll is processed in arrears, for example pay date 1st December for pay period previous calendar month, then the earnigns period for pension should be 1st to 30th Nov, not 1st -31st December. Please can this be amended?
Emily Libby 2 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Can we have a CSV report generated for legal & General who is our sole pension provider.

Have been told by support to ask the question on here. We currently use IRIS Business and our pension scheme is with Legal & General currently the software creates the CSV file for us and we upload it to their portal after our two different pa...
Kate Riley 7 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Pension Holiday

We have been asked by some clients for payroll to be able to process pension holidays, si this functioanlity which could be added?
Guest about 2 years ago in Pensions 2 Will not implement

Pension contributions calculated in the background need to be consistent with IPP

Pension contributions are being calculated on Staffology based on the data migrated from IPP software however there are rounding differences - we have noticed when running payrolls parallel on each system, that the pension contributions [employee ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Pensions 2 Will not implement

Pensions CSV exported dates to be in the correct format for uploading to NEST

At present if a CSV is downloaded from Staffology the excel file puts the dates in the wrong format and causes a Nest error so requires manually fixing on the file each time before upload. This should export in the correct format for NEST with it ...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Incorrect Pension Start Date

We encountered the issue of incorrect pension start date for lot of our clients for the scenarion mentioned below and we have to manually correct this every time. Setup : Employees are on weekly payroll and the payrun payment date is 1 day after t...
Richard Williams over 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Pension Payments - Auto Enrolment

Currently Staffology pays an employees first months contributions across to the pension provider even though the funds are not invested until the following month. This is to allow employees the opportunity to opt out and easily have their refund p...
Guest 12 months ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Postponement Date in PAPDIS File

Please can the postponemenmt date be included in column AF of the PAPDIS file? At the moment employees who are deferred are showing on the file but without a deferred date which causes issues with the pension provider.
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Will not implement