I used to be able to add excluded people to a pay run even after finalizing that pay run but as of today i am unable too, please change it back otherwise i have to delete my pay run and start again just to add one person on.
about 2 years ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
Ability to adjust the deptments once a payrun has been finalised
We use the departments to post salaries to different account codes in Xero. Sometimes new staff are set up by mistake with the wrong department so would be useful to have the functionality to edit the depertment.
over 2 years ago
in Payrun
Future consideration
When creating new paycodes and defining how it is calculated could sectors be added as well as hours and days? We have a client who calculate some pay based on sectors and this would be really benefical to have.
almost 3 years ago
in Payrun
Will not implement
Could an option be added to CSV uplaods to reverse/delete the upload if its identified that there are errors within the file or the file has been loaded twice in error?
about 3 years ago
in Payrun
Future consideration