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Average Holiday Setting

It would be great to have the ability to automatically reduce basic pay when paying Average holiday pay.
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Exchange/Google Workspace connection to send email notifications or Auto Emails from personal email address

For a user who has multiple clients, have the ability to, in addition to using the SMTP settings, have a connection button to send from Microsoft Exchange/Google Workspace so you can log in to your account and send from that email address.
Sam Collett 7 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Need a more detailed Pay Element report

Hi, it would be extremely useful if we had a more detailed Pay Element report which would provide the same information as IPP's Pay Component Balances report (PACMPT1.rpt). This IPP report provides information on all pay components (pay codes / pa...
Nicholas Law 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Ability to exclude the pension from Net Pay to Gross calculations on components

The Net Pay to Gross option when ticked is including pensions in the calculation, there is no option to override this. IPP software allows you to select to include pensions or not select this option, this needs to be the same on Staffology as the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration


IN IRIS PAYE MASTER there was a backup and restore data option available after finalising a payroll. I can't see this option available in Staffology.
Guest about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Will not implement

HSBC BACS Standard 18 Template - Upload to HSBC

Each month we need to manually adjust the HSBC BACS Standard 18 file that Staffology creates to ensure the correct processing date is set for each employee. HSBC has said the template is wrong and needs correcting. Is this something Staffology are...
Karen Murray almost 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Acknowledged

Email Reminders

Would it be possible to send email reminders to clients to upload/send information over, through the portal? Currently you can only send emails once payroll is run...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Payroll Component Analysis

It would be useful to have a detailed 'Payroll Component Analysis' report as in IRIS PP ( report was called PARUNT1.pdf) that showed detailed monthly pay/benefits/deductions for each employee in the payroll run, not just a summary as in Staffology.
Guest 6 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Combined Payroll Run Benefits in Kind

It would be useful to have the old IRIS PP report in Staffology that showed by monthly payroll run the 'Combined Payroll Run benefits in kind' that clearly showed (for each employee) the breakdown of taxable pay. The report code from IRIS PP was P...
Guest 6 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Attachment of Earning - not possible to set up % in a employee settings

In Iris PAYE Master for Attachment of Earning - Council Tax there was a column with amount of % available to set up based on Employee Net earning as per council guildance however in Staffology it is not possible. I have been advised that the softw...
Guest about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged