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Ideas Portal
Status Planned
Categories Payrun
Created by Tina Coggon
Created on Jun 17, 2024

Changing Company cars mid year

I have been asked by support to put this through as a new idea, but Earnie payroll already does it!. If an employee changes car mid month, from a high co2 level to an electric car, and are due to a refund of Bik, Staffology calculates the correct value, but divides it between the remaining months of the tax year, Earnie payroll shows the refund on the current month's payslip, which is correct.

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Company Cars - Employee leaving

If an employee leaves, and has a Company Car, Staffology can calculate the correct value when an end date has been entered, but divides this by the number of tax months remaining of the tax year, even though there will be no future pay dates. It l...
Tina Coggon 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Planned