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Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Payrun
Created by S Mackin
Created on Nov 22, 2024

Net to gross payment exclude certain pay elements

It is important to have the function of a net to gross calculation that can exclude certain pay elements. EG. A net to gross calculation that ignores employee pension deductions (pension comes off after the calculation for tax & NI) So, Net of £400, EE pension of £20 becomes an actual net pay of £380.

In this example it is important because otherwise the employer ends up paying the employee's pension contribution (as is the case with Staffology now - it isn't capable and will gross up for the deduction as well ie. £400 net in the example above). The same applies to earnings arrestment deductions etc.

Please implement this functionality asap as we have companies we are not able to move across from IRIS Payroll Professional because of this lack of functionality, and that product will not be supported from April 2025!!!

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