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Payslip download multiple periods

Ability to print/download multiple payslips at once rather than one by one.
Guest 3 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Option to print payslips that haven't been emailed or pushed to myepaywindow

We have a payroll paying company pensioners, due to the age of these clients not all have email addresses so we need to print payslips. Currently we have to print these individually which is very time consuming, previously with Earnie IQ we were a...
Rebecca Isles 3 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Future dated payslip release

It will be useful to be able to delay the publishing of payslips, and choose for them to be released/published on a specific day of the month. When running multiple payrolls throughout the month it is vital to be able to send the payslips during t...
Guest 23 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Email to employees as soon as payslip is pushed to myepaywindow

It would be helpful for employees to receive an email notice that their payslip has been published to myepaywindow, currently this is only sent if they don't access the portal within 24hours of it being pushed, meaning that their payslip has been ...
Rebecca Isles 19 days ago in Payslips 0 New

Printing / emailing payslips

It would be useful if we could print all payslips for an individual in one print - we are regularly asked for copy payslips for a period of time, and at the moment we have to download each individual pay slip one at a time.
Pay Roll 6 months ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Complete a leaver's last run

It would be helpful if you could run / pay/and finalise a leaver before running/paying and finalising a whole payroll. Currently I have leavers leaving and being paid much earlier in the month than their peers who are continuing their employment, ...
Andrea Squires about 1 month ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Notes on all payslips

It would be helpful to be able to add a note to all employee payslips, and in addition to this to be able to have the option of a default note that displayed every time rather than needing to add it to each pay run, for each employee.
Guest about 1 month ago in Payslips 0 New

Payslips should show employer pension contributions and employer NI and YTD for both

No description provided
mark Lewis 10 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Payslip Notes to accept special symbols

When importing the payslip notes, the pound sign (£) and slanted quotes (“ ”) were not accepted and appeared as this symbol ('�') in the import.
Christopher Tuckett about 1 month ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Multiple period payslips downloadable as a pdf

We need to be able to download ONE pdf document for an employee with multiple payslips for a range of periods not download one at a time. Also we could do with adding more than one employee to this download.
Guest 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration