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Ideas Portal
Status Shipped
Categories Payrun
Created by Michelle Wray
Created on Aug 26, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit STAF-I-273 Record effective date of changes to salary/pay.

Automatically pro-rate salary changes Merged

It would be VERY helpful if Staffology would allow you to enter several salary amounts for an employee with an 'effective from' date so when an employee's salary changes, the salaries rates are pro-rated where it changes during a pay period

    Aug 27, 2021

    Hi Michelle
    thanks for the suggestion. This is indeed something some other of our products allow you to do - to have changes to pay related to dates and pro rata the change accordingly when that pay period takes place.
    It is now awaiting review to schedule in accordingly.
