Hi team,
Could you please add the function to download the warnings inside the "view warnings" tab as csv (or maybe PDF, too)?
Right now we cannot save and work on all the warnings we have for each month in excel, and we have to go and do it 1 by 1, when we have around 50-80 warnings at the moment for 1 month. It's also ideal to download and keep the warnings for our records, so we can make notes of what we've changed in the system to correct that warning.
We need the same details as shown in the warning tab:
So at least the ID, employee full name, type of warning, warning message, and perhaps where to go to fix it (eg. when we click on the line in that view it would take us to this section to fix it eg. "in receipt of tax refund" type: Employee -> Pay options -> Tax & NI -> Tax Code)
Hey - Great news, this functionality is due to be released this Friday! An additional option will appear in Payrun > Warnings > Export